
发表时间:2012-06-29来源:威廉希尔足球官网 访问次数:0 分享:

Hiroko Imamura                

Center for Far Eastern Studies, University of Toyama, Japan

3190 Gofuku, Toyama-shi Toyama-ken 930-8555, Japan

Tel: +81-76-445-6430

E-mail: imamura@eco.u-toyama.ac.jp


Professor Hiroko Imamura,who graduated from Tokyo University in 1976, is now the Director of the Center for Far Eastern Studies, University of Toyama,Japan.Her Research and teaching Interests focus on the fields of Economic relations between China and North Korea and unemployment problem in China.Her working and academic experience as follows: Director of Center for Far Eastern Studies, University of Toyama(Oct.2008-present);Professor of Center for Far Eastern Studies, University of Toyama(Jan. 2003-present); Associate Professor of Center for Far Eastern Studies, University of Toyama(April 1999-Dec.2002); Visiting Scholar of Japanese Embassy in Beijing(May 1993-March1996); Lecturer of Faculty of Literaehumaniores Seiitoku University(April 1990-March 1993);China Section Japan External Organization(April 1976-March1990).

Some Selected Publications

- North Korea: Fictional Economy(2005  Shueisha)

- North Korean Economy: Chinese Point of View(1999 Asahi shimbunsha)

- North Korean Economic Reform: Comparison with China and Vietnam

(2004 Far Eastern Studies Vol.3 pp.37-56)