Professor Harry Clarke客座教授

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Faculty of Business, Economics and Law

School of Economics, La Trobe University

Whitehead, Melbourne (Bundoora)


B.A (Mac)., B.A. (hons1, Macq), MEc (ANU), PhD (ANU)



Membership of professional Associations

Economic Society of Australia, American Economic Association, Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society, Econometric Society, Natural Resource Modeling Forum


Law and Management

Research Interests

- economics of licit and illicit drugs (Available for supervision)
- Climate change (Available for supervision)


Climate change, environmental economics, transport, economics of licit and illicit drugs

Recent Publications

·         “Institutional Design for Biodiversity Conservation”, Agenda, 9, 1, 2002, 305-330.

·         “Public Policy for Controlling Heroin Use”, Australian Economic Papers, 42, 2, 2003, 234-258. 

·         “International Biodiversity Conservation Agreements”, Natural Resource Modelling, 16, 3, 2003, 245-257.

·         “Should Australia Target Its Population Size”, Invited contribution, Economic Papers, 22, 1, 2003, 24-35.

·         (with D. Prentice, J. Shannon & K. Wade) Population Movement in Regional Victoria, For the Department of Treasury and Finance, La Trobe University, February, 2005.

·         (*) (with W. Reed) “Consumption/Pollution Tradeoffs in an Environment Vulnerable to Pollution-Related Catastrophic Collapse” in M. Hoel (ed)

·         Recent Developments in Environmental Economics, Critical Writings in Economics, Elgar Reference, 2006, 497-516.

·         (with A. Hawkins) “Economic Framework for Melbourne Traffic Planning”, Agenda, 13, 1, 2006, 63-80.

·         “Conserving Biodiversity in the Face of Climate Change”, Agenda, 14, 2, 2007, 157-170.  Reprinted in P.S. Ranade (ed) Climate Change and Biodiversity: Perspectives and Mitigation Strategies, ICFAI University Press, Hyderabad, India, 2008, 190-209.

·         “Comment on James Giesecke: The Economic Impact of a General Increase in Skilled Migration”, People and Place, 15, 2, 2007, 12-14.

·         “The Economist’s Way of Thinking About Alcohol Policy”, Agenda, 15, 2, 2008, 27-42.

·         “Targeting Urban Congestion: Equity and Second-Best Issues”, Australian Economic Review, 41, 2, 2008, 177-186.

·         ‘Addictive Drug Use Management Policies in a Long-Run Economic Model’, Australian Economic Papers (accepted for revision 2008).

·         “Classical Decision Rules and the Economics of Climate Change”, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 52, 2008, 487-504.  

·         “Taxing Sin: Some Economics of Smoking, Gambling and Alcohol”, Melbourne Review, 4, 2, November 2008, 30-36.